Thursday 9 December 2021


THC has amazing euphoric fun effects but usually fades away after a few hours. It is alleged that the high that comes with THC substances go away easily, and that its metabolites stay in the body system for several weeks after your last use. Does this apply to delta-8 THC? Can delta-8 THC make people fail drug tests? This guide will help you explore all your questions and answer in detail. It will help you figure out how long delta-8 THC stays in your system and if it can cause you to fail a drug test. First, let’s know what drug tests are all about and how they work.

How Drug Test Work

It’s essential to understand how drug tests work concerning THC substances. How do drug tests detect that people have THC in the system? Most labs are not fully equipped with advanced tools. The common drug tests are based on a common metabolite THC compound. There are no specific drug tests that distinguish between CBD, Delta-9, and Delta-8. This can lead to problems as people can be tested with Delta-9 THC molecules, which cannot be differentiated from Delta-8 chemicals. Drug tests are not highly efficient as most people think. Most drug tests search for chemical signals metabolized from THC. Delta-8, Delta-9, and CBD release similar chemicals, making it challenging to know the major cause of a drug fail if you do fail.

What Is Delta-8 THC?

The cannabis species plant has more than 100 different cannabinoids. Some of them you might have encountered in your recreational adventures. The most popular cannabinoids are CBD, THC, CBN, and CBG. There are varying cannabinoids in these cannabis types. For instance, THC contains Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC (the most used).

THC entails delta-8 (less potent) and delta-9 (more potent). There are many products that are processed using delta-8 including Delta-8 is said to be the father or pioneer of cannabis. It’s among the top intoxicating minor cannabinoids plants. Most people worry about failing Delta-8 drug tests due to the similar metabolized chemicals as Delta-9.

These two forms of THC are different with distinct forms of THC molecules but share few similarities. So, if they are different, can delta-8 make someone fail drug tests compared to delta-9?

The Difference Between Delta-8 And Delta-9

Delta-8 and Delta-9 consist of the same THC molecules but are different. Their chemical structures are similar, which explains the similarity of effects on your body. Delta-8 is a less potent form with less significant effects.

The key difference with these THC forms is their chemical structure. Delta-9 has a more unstable structure. The THC molecules are used differently in the endocannabinoid system. Delta-9 is the leading cause of drug test failures. What about delta-8?

Can Delta-8 TCH Make Someone Fail a Drug Test?

Now, as we focus on the potatoes and meat of this guide- will someone fail a drug test due to delta-8 THC? Unfortunately, the best answer is yes though a false positive. As said before, drug tests are not usually perfect; there is a large room for errors with each test. Chances of Delta-8 THC molecules appearing in your home or any drug tests can never be zero.

With home tests, Delta-8 is likely to appear. Most home tests are less advanced to qualify to test any generic drug. They are not able to distinguish the different cannabinoid molecules in each THC. Delta-8 is legal but can make you fail a drug test when in your system. Drug tests focus on THC metabolites rather than looking for specific cannabinoids. Consuming any Delta-8 or Delta-9 molecules can cause drug tests to metabolize with similar THC molecules. Any amount of THC in the body system leads to drug tests failure. Cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, and CBG metabolize similarly, which makes it challenging for anyone to pass this test.

The possibility of Delta-8 showing up in a drug test depends on how often one uses it. The fact is Delta-8 will make someone fail a drug test. THC molecules build up and metabolize in the system in varying amounts, likely to appear on a drug test.

Type of Tests That Delta-8 Can Show Up On

Most drug tests are likely to show up THC molecules, including Delta-8. Most drug test screening methods fail to differentiate between Delta-9 and Delta-8. The results are focused on the possibility of THC in the system rather than separating the legal cannabinoid from the illegal.

This causes false results and can be very unfair, especially in work or high-demanding tests. It makes one appear to be committing a crime while they are not. Common tests that you can fail with Delta-8 THC in your system include;

Swab Tests

Swab tests are the most used drug screening methods by employers, police, or sports boards. They are convenient, faster, and simpler than other screening techniques. They involve screening your saliva sample in a machine using a chemical indicator to detect illegal substances in the body.

For an occasional delta-8 user, the THC molecules can show up after 48 hours since the last usage. With regular delta-8 users, you can fail the results even after 30 days since the last use.

The best way to evade a drug fail is to discontinue your consumption before going for drug tests.

Hair Sample

Delta-8 or any other THC molecule can show up in hair tests up to 3 months in regular consumers.

Blood Sample

Delta-8 THC can be visible in your system even after two weeks after using it in regular takers. Delta-8 clears from the system for occasional users within 2-3 days. Blood tests are not preferred in drug screening as delta-8, delta-9, and marijuana clear up after 36 hours and can show a negative result.

Urine Sample

Both delta-9 and delta-8 THC molecules can be visible in your urine even after 30 days, especially in regular users. A false positive can show up in a month since last use.

How Long Do Delta-8 Molecules Stay in The System

As mentioned above, delta-8 is less potent than delta-9. However, it’s still a THC molecule and can liner similar to other drug substances in the system. THC molecules can stay in urine for about 4 to 8 days. Keep in mind this point when going for a delta-8 drug test.

How long the THC stays visible in your body depends on how often one consumes delta-8. Regular delta-8 users are likely to encounter false-positive results up to 30 to 60 days of last use.

Delta-8 THC products extracted from hemp are legal, similar to CBD. Other factors that determine how long it las in the system include your weight, how active someone is, and the period of use.

Can You Avoid Testing Positive On a Delta-8 Drug Test?

Worry and panic less if you consume delta-8 and are about to take a drug test. First, delta-8 is completely legal and an approved hemp product. Additionally, several tips can help you evade false-positive results.

How someone can pass the test depends on individual preparations. If the dates for the tests are given, the following methods can help you prepare in advance for a pass.

Avoid Delta-8

If you know the specific date for the test, waiting it out or avoiding any Delta-8 substance is the best way to increase your chances of having positive results. This option depends on individual weight and tolerance levels. Abstaining from delta-8, using two months before the test helps you pass.

Engage in Exercises and Stay Hydrated at All Times

THC usually clings to body fat cells. Burning fat, weight loss, being hydrated, and any activity that can make you sweat boosts your chances of a pass rate. These activities reduce THC levels in the system, lowering its possible visibility in the body.

Pee The Morning or Day of the Test

Peeing before a drug test helps clear the TCH metabolized molecules that build up overnight. Some diuretics drinks such as cranberry juice and coffee might help clear the urine system.

Hours Before the Test

 To enhance the chances of passing the test and reduce the visibility of THC metabolites in the body, consume Vitamin B12 supplements and drink lots of water. Staying hydrated and having vitamin B12 can help pass a drug test. Beware, high hydration levels can render the test invalid and give extra hours to clear Delta-8 THC in the body.

The Bottom Line

Have you tried Delta-8? Pick Delta8 gummies and Delta8 Disposable Cartridges of your choice from Just DeltaStore. It’s not the end of everything if you have Delta-8 in your system. The information above can help you understand it and clear it for a pass in your oncoming drug test.

The post DELTA8 AND DRUG TESTS WILL YOU PASS? OR WILL YOU FAIL? appeared first on Just Delta .

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